STARTUP3 Startups’ Success Stories November & December 2021

As the STARTUP3 project nears its finish line, it lays out the last stepping stones for its startups.
In November, Centiloc attended BE 4.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est) at booth K-25 where Centiloc team had the opportunity to present its automatic inventory solution for Industry 4.0!
December was also busy for one of STARTUP3 Top 5 with their participation in student orientation days for IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management, where students had the opportunity to engage the Centiloc team in QA sessions regarding issues related to the orientation of the offers and services of their company.
Detektia has, in collaboration with SACYR won first prize at Ecosistema B2B by Empresa&Sociedad. In this project, they developed an early alert system that allows prioritizing the preventive maintenance of infrastructures through the integration of DInSAR satellite and IA technology. In December, Detektia entered as a finalist and will compete for the ultimate prize for the “CopernicusMasters” European Commission Space for Infrastructure and Building Monitoring Challenge. While anticipating results, Detektia CEO, Candela Sancho participated as a panellist at IoTTribe Galactic Futures summit in Madrid where she discussed how Detektia has managed to develop solutions for managing infrastructure remotely across the globe!
Fauna Smart
On the 11th of November FaunaSmart CEO Dragana Vukasinovic, Ph.D. was invited as a Keynote Speaker on Ethical Leadership organized by the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH). In December Fauna Smart entered as a finalist at the 4th Valencia Digital Summit and will participate at Capital4Startups pitch.
Among 400 startups that applied Fauna Smart Technologies finished in Top 10 once again!
MAGOS one of STARTUP3 Top 5 has been awarded the “Industrial Impact Award” at the ISM 2021 International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, for their joint paper “TRAINMAN-MAGOS: capture of dexterous assembly manufacturing know-how as a new efficient approach to support robotic automation” in collaboration with CTAG – Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia. Well done MAGOS!
November and December were fruitful for one of STARTUP3 Top 5 RTsafe! In November RTsafe and MEDICAL PHYSICS LIMITED sealed their cooperation with a double agreement: Distribution in the UK and provision of commercial and auditing services internationally! December brought yet another cooperation for RTsafe! With strong support from their partners, Onesky Holdings Limited RTsafe had the opportunity to introduce their products to the Chinese market!
From Top 25
EOanalytics Limited
From 16th to 18th of November EOanalytics will present their solutions at Space Tech Expo Europe 2021 in, MESSE BREMEN. You can also check out their new paper “Evaluation of SWIR Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission” which has been released, highlighting some of EOanalytics’s work. Read the full paper here.
Haruspex with their solutions participated in cybersecurity day events, organized by ReeVo Cloud in Milan and Rome from 18th till 23rd of November
This event involved some of the top companies in the cybersecurity industry! Haruspex solutions were recognized by ITA – Italian Trade Agency to represent the Italian deep-tech ecosystem in Silicon Valley! The last part of the acceleration program in San Francisco will be hosted in Mind the Bridge!
Latitudo 40
Latitudo 40 had a chance to present their solutions at Virtual Track Industry at Group on Earth Observations (GEO) GEO Week 2021. Latitudo has been invited to attend the European Commission “Copernicus commercial satellite data and European new space” webinar. Their contribution at this event will focus on the “universal building blocks of successful climate transitions: from manageable, discrete elements to an interoperable system”, presenting their All-in-one Urban Data Analytics Platform for climate action planning, based on satellite imagery, artificial intelligence, and geospatial analysis, to make simple and effective climate action plans and deliver better quality of life!
Latitudo 40 had the opportunity to present their solutions at the “Hello Tomorrow Global Summit” in late November!
Oscillum announced they were awarded the national prize of the Young Entrepreneurs Contest 2021! This type of recognition is a clear sign they are on the right track!. Luis Chimeno Moral, co-founder of Oscillum participated at FIMP where he spoke about the nutrition of the future and global food challenges.
As one of the 18 Startups from Greece, with activity in 11 key market sectors, Ingredio had the opportunity to participate in digital B2B meetings within 2nd Innovation Forum entitled “Innovation leads the way”, which took place in hybrid form, on November 24 2021, and was co-organized by the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Athens.
EbreDrone, an innovative drone service startup gave a presentation of their solutions at BIZBARECELONA! EbreDrone is an enthusiastic multi-technical team specialized in RPAs technology applications focused on Drone solutions in industry and agriculture. EbreDrone is an official RPA Operator and a RPA Pilot School authorized by AESA (Spanish Aerial Security Agency).
If you want to know more and learn where you can meet our best startups next – make sure to check out the October edition of STARTUP3 success stories as well as the mini-podcast and video series.
We hope that you enjoyed this edition of STARTUP3 success stories!
STARTUP3 team wishes you happy holidays, adventurous and innovative 2022!
In the spirit of the upcoming holiday season and the magic that follows with it we would like to finish this edition of STARTUP3 success stories with the following quote:
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
Arthur C. Clarke