STARTUP3 Podcast | Episode 1: Experience in Running a Deep-tech Acceleration Programme

Driven by real market needs, the STARTUP3 project builds and facilitates an open and collaborative ecosystem for high impact deep-tech innovators and corporates and acts as a cross-border/sectoral market-maker. Through its podcast mini-series, STARTUP3 introduces the project, deep-dives into key elements for the project success and presents the Top 5 deep-tech innovators that emerged from the initial 250.
Episode #1: Experience in running a deep-tech acceleration programme
Stay tuned for future Episodes of the STARTUP3 Podcast!
In the first episode of the STARTUP3 podcast, we take you through the project concept and introduce you to the partners that are behind its success.
Clémence Castell (Pôle SCS – project coordinator), Danijel Pavlica and Tajana Medaković (InoSens), Michael Voskakis (Agenso), Tomaž Zadravec (ITC Cluster), Jean-Luc Fretard (HOLA-UP), Inese Mūrniece (Latvian IT Cluster), Athanasios Charemis (National Documentation Centre – EKT) bring you their experiences including advice for conducting an acceleration programme, delivering tailored mentorship and creating matchmaking best practices. Additionally, you will find out about the services the project offers and the upcoming opportunities for collaboration with each of the partners!