Category: News

Apply now: Open Innovation opportunity by TIM WCAP – Telecom Italia

Calling all SME’s and national and international scaleups to apply!

From the 24th of November 2021 until January 24th 2022, we are inviting all startups, SMEs and national and international scale-ups to apply for the Open Innovation TIM Challenge for Circular Economy.

TIM Challenge is an international call for startups, SMEs, and national and international scaleups, with the goal of identifying and recruiting firms that can assist the TIM Group in intervening on the waste that is physiologically created in the company and transforming it into value.

We would like to invite you to submit your proposals in domains of:

  • Civil and industrial special waste
    with a particular focus on batteries, discarded equipment (RAEE), wood, plastic, paper, glass, iron and steel.
  • Industrial and civil infrastructures
    such as the fixed network, the mobile network, data centres, corporate offices’ furniture.
  • Resources, materials and capital goods
    such as network equipment and servers, copper.
  • Products for our customers
    such as smartphones, telephones, tablets, modems, decoders and other devices.

Selected winners will have the opportunity to collaborate with the TIM Group! TIM is the leading group in Italy and Brazil in the ICT sector and develops fixed, mobile, cloud and datacentre infrastructures and offers services and products for communications and entertainment, placing itself at the forefront of digital technologies.

TIM Group has adopted environmental protection and social inclusion objectives with the aim of achieving a concrete and significant impact and becoming carbon neutral in 2030.

For more information about awards, eligibility criteria and proposal evaluation, please visit the link below…

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STARTUP3 Startups’ Success Stories November & December 2021

As the STARTUP3 project nears its finish line, it lays out the last stepping stones for its startups.



In November, Centiloc attended  BE 4.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est) at booth K-25 where Centiloc team had the opportunity to present its automatic inventory solution for Industry 4.0!

December was also busy for one of STARTUP3 Top 5 with their participation in student orientation days for IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management, where students had the opportunity to engage the Centiloc team in QA sessions regarding issues related to the orientation of the offers and services of their company.


Detektia has, in collaboration with  SACYR won first prize at Ecosistema B2B by Empresa&Sociedad. In this project, they developed an early alert system that allows prioritizing the preventive maintenance of infrastructures through the integration of DInSAR satellite and IA technology. In December, Detektia entered as a finalist and will compete for the ultimate prize for the “CopernicusMasters” European Commission Space for Infrastructure and Building Monitoring Challenge. While anticipating results, Detektia CEO, Candela Sancho participated as a panellist at IoTTribe Galactic Futures summit in Madrid where she discussed how Detektia has managed to develop solutions for managing infrastructure remotely across the globe!

Fauna Smart

On the 11th of November FaunaSmart CEO Dragana Vukasinovic, Ph.D. was invited as a Keynote Speaker on Ethical Leadership organized by the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH). In December Fauna Smart entered as a finalist at the 4th Valencia Digital Summit and will participate at Capital4Startups pitch.

Among 400 startups that applied Fauna Smart Technologies finished in Top 10 once again!


MAGOS one of STARTUP3 Top 5 has been awarded the “Industrial Impact Award” at the ISM 2021 International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, for their joint paper “TRAINMAN-MAGOS: capture of dexterous assembly manufacturing know-how as a new efficient approach to support robotic automation” in collaboration with CTAG – Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia. Well done MAGOS!


November and December were fruitful for one of STARTUP3 Top 5 RTsafe! In November RTsafe and MEDICAL PHYSICS LIMITED sealed their cooperation with a double agreement: Distribution in the UK and provision of commercial and auditing services internationally! December brought yet another cooperation for RTsafe!  With strong support from their partners, Onesky Holdings Limited RTsafe had the opportunity to introduce their products to the Chinese market!

From Top 25

EOanalytics Limited

From 16th to 18th of November EOanalytics will present their solutions at Space Tech Expo Europe 2021 in, MESSE BREMEN. You can also check out their new paper  “Evaluation of SWIR Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission” which has been released, highlighting some of EOanalytics’s work. Read the full paper here.


Haruspex with their solutions participated in cybersecurity day events, organized by ReeVo Cloud in Milan and Rome from 18th till 23rd of November
This event involved some of the top companies in the cybersecurity industry! Haruspex solutions were recognized by ITA – Italian Trade Agency to represent the Italian deep-tech ecosystem in Silicon Valley! The last part of the acceleration program in San Francisco will be hosted in Mind the Bridge!

Latitudo 40

Latitudo 40 had a chance to present their solutions at Virtual Track Industry at Group on Earth Observations (GEO) GEO Week 2021. Latitudo has been invited to attend the European Commission “Copernicus commercial satellite data and European new space” webinar. Their contribution at this event will focus on the “universal building blocks of successful climate transitions: from manageable, discrete elements to an interoperable system”, presenting their All-in-one Urban Data Analytics Platform for climate action planning, based on satellite imagery, artificial intelligence, and geospatial analysis, to make simple and effective climate action plans and deliver better quality of life!
Latitudo 40 had the opportunity to present their solutions at the “Hello Tomorrow Global Summit” in late November!


Oscillum announced they were awarded the national prize of the Young Entrepreneurs Contest 2021! This type of recognition is a clear sign they are on the right track!. Luis Chimeno Moral, co-founder of Oscillum participated at FIMP where he spoke about the nutrition of the future and global food challenges.


As one of the 18 Startups  from Greece, with activity in 11 key market sectors, Ingredio had the opportunity to participate in digital B2B meetings within 2nd  Innovation Forum entitled “Innovation leads the way”, which took place in hybrid form,  on November 24  2021, and was co-organized by the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Athens.


EbreDrone, an innovative drone service startup gave a presentation of their solutions at BIZBARECELONA! EbreDrone is an enthusiastic multi-technical team specialized in RPAs technology applications focused on Drone solutions in industry and agriculture. EbreDrone is an official RPA Operator and a RPA Pilot School authorized by AESA (Spanish Aerial Security Agency).

If you want to know more and learn where you can meet our best startups next – make sure to check out the October edition of STARTUP3 success stories as well as the mini-podcast and video series.

We hope that you enjoyed this edition of STARTUP3 success stories!


STARTUP3 team wishes you happy holidays, adventurous and innovative 2022!
In the spirit of the upcoming holiday season and the magic that follows with it we would like to finish this edition of STARTUP3 success stories with the following quote:


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”

Arthur C. Clarke

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Curtain down on STARTUP3!

After two years, the coronation of the STARTUP3 activities was the Deep Tech Week that took place from 29th November to 3rd of December. In the scope of the STARTUP3 Deep Tech Week, Brokerage Day in Sophia Antipolis acted as the Final Event gathering Top startups, ecosystem players, consortium partners and other guests. Read more on the Deep Tech Week here!

What is the legacy that STARTUP3 leaves behind?

Among the 250 applicants, Top 25 were selected to enter the acceleration programme using the Peer-to-peer evaluation process in order for best startups to emerge regardless of the specific sector to which they dedicate. The acceleration process lasted for one year and each phase of the project was dedicated to certain aspects of startups’ growth, product development and capacity building. The phases also served to sift through the Top 25, then Top 10 and announce Top 5 startups!

As one of the main pillars of the project, members of the Corporate Pool (corporates and later on investors, supporting organisations and other relevant external stakeholders) were an indispensable part in startups’ growth. Not only through the mentoring and matchmaking, Corporate Pool Members provided valuable lessons on pitching, negotiation, and what it takes to succeed in the market.

Numerous services provided through the STARTUP3 Hub

Through the usage of STARTUP3 Hub (Founder Studio and Cooperation Platform) startups had the chance to search and initiate contacts with a wider scope of stakeholders according to their needs. More importantly, they learned how to assess the value of their own company and by using both platforms’ tools, find out more on their positioning on the market as well as competition.

Overview of the services provided in the frame of the STARTUP3 acceleration programme:

  • 60+ Connection-meetings with potential clients, business/technological partners, business enablers and supports.
  • 60+ Workshops – working with each startup individually on specific business thematics from Problem Solving to Fundraising.
  • 50+ Mentorship – regular 1-1 meetings to understand the startups’ needs
  • 25+ Coaching – individual coaching with Mental Coach Ornella Solari (Hola-Up) to upgrade Entrepreneurial skills.
  • 15+ Training webinars – collective webinar sessions ranging from IP Rights and Business Development to Marketing and product development.
  • 2 Investor Tribunes – pitch-meetings of Top5 with Sophia Business Angels, and access to the Hello Tomorrow Investor Day in Paris in the frame of the STARTUP3 Deep Tech Week.

Boosting startups’ resilience and internationalisation despite the crisis

Overcoming the challenges imposed by the COVID-19, startups have emerged as resilient, ready to pivot and address arising challenges on the go, navigating through the rapid changes that captured their intended markets. It was though the online events, cross-collaboration with different projects and initiatives that made up for the lack of the networking as we know it.

Thus, in the scope of STARTUP3, numerous events promoting Deep Tech Tech innovation, cross-border ecosystems’ gathering and business meetings were held:

  • 2 Pitch Stops– pitching events, milestones of the acceleration programme for the Top-startups selection,
  • 3 Innovation Challenges – pitch competitions open to the STARTUP3 clusters’ ecosystems,
  • 3 Ecosystem Discovery Missions – Occasions for each Clusters’ stakeholders to share their respective innovation practices, and Corporations to present their needs for deep-tech innovation
  • And of course, the STARTUP3 Brokerage Day that was held in physical format in Sophia Antipolis and allowed us to showcase the Top5 startups to the French Deep-Tech Ecosystem and facilitate in-person B2B meetings.

What lies ahead?

Even though December marks the end of the STARTUP3 project, there is still a lot to show! Top startups are entering the next stage on their entrepreneurial journey, as more mature, self-aware and with the clear vision on their needs and next steps. In order to support their further success, STARTUP3 has created an overview of the startups’ success stories as well as podcast mini-series where we chat on their products, stories behind the development and success as well as the goals for their solutions. In addition, the video version of all interviews is coming soon so stay tuned!

Until then, STARTUP3 cordially thanks to all the participated in this journey! Enjoy the video!


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STARTUP3 Deep Tech Week!

From November 29th to December 3rd, 2021 STARTUP3 had organised a deep tech-week. Starting off with Brokerage Day in Sophia Antipolis, startups had the chance to participate in matchmaking activities, award ceremony, visit to deep tech ecosystem in Sophia Antipolis and get last training on pitching before investors. Following Sophia Antipolis, STARTUP3 shifted its activities to Paris where startups were engaged in Hello Tomorrow Global Summit, meeting investors, corporates and enjoying networking activities.

STARTUP3 Brokerage Day

Organised in the heart of the French deep-tech ecosystem in Sophia Antipolis, the event gathered on 29th November those that have participated in the STARTUP3 project, either as an innovator/startup or Corporate Pool Member.

Welcoming attendees to Sophia Antipolis, Clémence Castell, Marielle Campanella and Gerard Martinez from Pôle SCS have opened the Brokerage Day event. Recapitulating on the STARTUP3 project from its very beginnings, they have opened the floor to all the STARTUP3 partners who have made the project possible. Despite COVID-19, lack of the physical events and possibilities to engage with startups more directly on ever changing deep-tech market, it was the passion for growth and innovation of the consortium that made the success of the STARTUP3 possible. Each with their special skillset and expertise it was Pôle SCS, InoSens, Agenso, ITC Cluster, Hola-UP!, Latvian IT Cluster and EKT (National Documentation Centre) that turned the idea from paper to a real project with results and impact beyond the project lifetime.  

As the event has gathered not only participating startups and corporates but additional cluster and corporate representatives, Jean-Luc Fretard has provided insights on the methodologies and tools used throughout the project, especially the Founder Studio as part of STARTUP3 hub. Presentation encompassed both initial ideas to development and final outcomes and experiences drawn from work with 25 startups and pool of 38 organisations (corporates, investors, other supporting organisations).

Pitching Session

As the event has attracted many deep-tech stakeholders, STARTUP3 innovators had the chance to showcase their solutions. In addition to the Top 5, three innovators from Top 10 have joined the pitching session, reflecting on the development of their solutions through STARTUP3 and afterwards as well as indicating the next steps for their products.

Loïc Henninot has introduced Centiloc, a French company developing disruptive IoT sensors for various markets, providing innovative IoT sensors to geolocalize objects. Switching to another industry STARTUP3 covers, Miguel Marchamalo had presented Detektia, a Spanish company developing solutions that monitor and analyse deformation in dams, infrastructures, aquifers and entire cities based on DInSAR technology.

Evangelos Pappas of RTsafe presented the Pseudo patient. Diving into med-tech, RTsafe provides personalized care in radiation oncology by combining proven expertise in medical physics and highly accurate 3D printing technology creating a perfect replica of patient’s body that is to be radiated before the actual patient in cancer and other treatments.

Following are three from the Top 10 startups. First to take the stage was Fillipo Lubrano, who presented the work of Haruspex. Haruspex is currently the only solution available on the market able to predict, according to the desired level of confidence, how an ICT infrastructure could be attacked, before the cyber-attacks occur in reality. That way, it provides solutions to neutralize the attackers, making it the perfect match for securing the IT/OT systems.

Denis Ardabatsky, a serial entrepreneur had introduced NeoSound Intelligence which offers AI tools that transform customer interactions/emotions into rich management information in an efficient way, creating opportunities to maximize customers by increasing sales and reducing costs.

In a heartbeat, Slaheddine Aridhi captured the attention with the work of Sensoria Analytics. Developing innovative, digital solutions that analyse bio-signals by exploiting advancements in the fields of optics, electronics, MEMS systems and artificial intelligence, Sensoria’s primary focus is on the prevention and detection of cardiovascular, respiratory risks, especially relevant in cases of COVID-19 and respiratory complications that often otherwise go unnoticed in initial stages.

Joining virtually, and as part Top 5 innovators, Fauna Smart and Magos team had the chance to present to the audience. Fauna Smart, led by Dragana Vukasinovic dedicates to helping farmers transition to greener, healthier, and more efficient farming practices in line with the newest EU regulations. Magos and its gloves that disrupt VR market with the state-of-the-art Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) devices in XR were presented by Gregory Agriopoulos.

Pitching session was crowned by the Award Ceremony to the Top 5 startups: Centiloc, Detektia, RTsafe, Magos and Fauna Smart. Awards were handed in by Aiga Irmeja of LITC whose inspiring speech highlighted what makes the innovators stand out, especially in the times of crises. Following the Award Ceremony, startups had the chance to engage in the panel discussing the way forward for all innovative startups in deep tech arena as well as to voice the challenges and opportunities they encountered on the STARTUP3 journey.

Deep-tech Ecosystem visit

In the scope of the second day of Brokerage event, startups had twofold activities. In the morning session, they had the opportunity to attend the last training held by Ornella Solari from Hola-UP! tackling the pitching techniques and best approaches to ensure investments.

Later on, innovators, consortium members and other interested stakeholders had the opportunity to visit the deep-tech ecosystem of Sophia Antipolis. Host to many international organisations and companies, Sophia Antipolis serves as a Silicon Valley of France.

Through the visit to Inria, Head of Innovations Anthony Schoofs showcased the work of Inria as National Institute for research in digital science and technology and innovations they bring to areas of communication, computational medicine and biology as well as modelling, simulation and interaction of their solutions with real world.

Next was getting to know Marc Barret, the Innovation Executive Director who had led the attendees through 3IA Côte d’Azur, Interdisciplinary Institute for Artificial Intelligence. 3IA acts as one of the four interdisciplinary institutes of AI created in France. It aims to create an innovative ecosystem that is influential at the local, national and international level and partners with major higher education and research partners in Nice and Sophia Antipolis gathering more than 62 companies and startups at the same place!

Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge Summit

In the course of the project, STARTUP3 has developed startegic partnerships in order to provide more opportunities to the startups to network, pitch, and test their advancments. Gathering startups, SMEs, corporates, investors and other organizations, Hello Tomorrow tackled various deep tech markets, from Industry 4.0, aerospace, Data & AI, Energy, Food, Environment to digital health and urban mobility.

In the scope of the 10th Hello Tomorrow summit, STARTUP3 innovators got the chance to attend the Innovator’s day event, and present their solutions in person. Innovators that attended from STARTUP3 were Magos, Latitudo40 and Oscillum Technology.

What is next?

STARTUP3 project is nearing its end, nonetheless there are still exciting things to come. In addition to the STARTUP3 podcast mini series, 3 more innovators will join sharing their vision and solutions, we follow up on the sucesses of the Top 25 and release the videos with all the interviews held with our Top innovators. Stay tuned!

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Introducing the 2021 Hello Tomorrow Global Summit

Hello Tomorrow Global Summit – Breathing a sigh of relief. Rushing towards a brighter future.

Simmering beneath the surface for years, a massive wave of innovation is now playing catch up with the world. Obstacles everywhere are being flattened at an increasingly fast pace. From uncharted territories in space or synthetic biology, to more sustainable new materials and quantum technology hardware, this wave of innovation represents raw power, of course. Yet, it’s also a carefully crafted revolution, engineered by the key players of the Deep Tech Ecosystem.

The very best of them will gather in Paris, on December 2-3rd 2021 at the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit, as part of the Deep Tech days. We’ll be joined by 1000 of the very best startups developing cutting edge technologies to solve global challenges, showcasing some of their products, 1000 corporates ready to discover the next big thing in their industry, over 300 deep tech investors scouting the crowd, as well as 1000 more of the brightest, most dedicated minds in the world. 

We are not only surfing this next wave with you. At the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit, we are shaping it. Together. Join us.

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STARTUP3 Startups’ Success Stories – October 2021

As the STARTUP3 project nears its finish line, it lays out the last stepping stones for its startups.

Among the initial 250 applicants, the programme has selected and trained the Top 25 startups, then 10 – and finally Top 5. Provided with a full scope of business, marketing, financial, pitching, matchmaking and other services, the Top 5 startups have been disrupting their respective markets ever since. However, STARTUP3 goes beyond! The end of participation for some beneficiaries is not the end of their participation in the deep-tech ecosystem, chances to network, meet investors and further develop their solutions. STARTUP3 consortium organizes the Brokerage Day in Sophia Antipolis on 29th November and offers special benefits and discounts for the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit to all of its startups!

So, let’s dive into the latest news from the Top 5 as well as other top startups of the STARTUP3 project!


During October and the end of September, Centiloc has had the chance to attend prominent events presenting its solutions including Go entrepreneurs, France Digital Marseille, Big event of Bpifrance, Paris Retail Week and SIDO Lyon – IoT, AI, Robotics & XR. Next on at Salon hybrid tri-national BE 4.0 Industries du Futur!

Detektia has been announced as the winner of the ESA Global Space Market Challenge in the downstream category. In addition, with the support of the European Space Agency – ESA – Detektia had an opportunity to pitch their innovative solution at the 2021 International Astronautical Congress in Dubai, the world’s largest space conference.

FaunaSmart has been active in both increasing its presence on events such as SENSECO COST Action as well as engaging in the new programmes like ESA BIC Denmark incubator aiming to change the future of horticulture!

MAGOS has been active in showcasing its solutions at 85thThessaloniki International Fair, starting a new collaboration with Santa Clara University in the frames of NGI Explorers open call#3. Finally, MAGOS has been named one of Hello Tomorrow’s Deep Tech Pioneers and awarded with the “Exploitation of Industry 4.0 Technologies Award” in the 1st National Startup Awards by Elevate Greece! Next at the “Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2021” in Paris along with 3,500 disruptive startups, investors and corporations.

RTsafe has received grant under the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (EPAnEK).

From the Top 25 during September and October 2021 most successful startups were:

EbreDrone – building a strong regional presence by actively participating in events such as Wayra Investors Day 2021 where they had the chance to present before +60 VC’s and reunite the startup ecosystem in Barcelona as well as collaboration with the Aerial Uptake program that brings together local/regional public authorities and key players of the UAS sector from 6 European regions, being pioneers in the creation of a single European drone market.

EOanalytics Limited has been a part of the new paper on the Evaluation of SWIR Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission. Read the paper here.

Haruspex was chosen by the Italian Trade Agency, formerly known as ICE (Institute for Foreign Trade) to represent Italian technological excellence in Silicon Valley since September, where the National Center for Innovation and Culture was recently established. More information can be found here.

The most energy-efficient and productive solution for indoor farming, Laava Tech, will be presented at the upcoming Web Summit event in Lisbon.

Latitudo 40 showcases its solutions at Ecomondo – KeyEnergy Fair which is an Urban Data Analytics platform to make sustainable / ESG decisions and improve people’s quality of life. As part of the I-Tech Innovation Program, the program launched by CRIF and Fondazione Golinelli they were the recipients of the Venture Up Award 2021 in Turin! Additionally, just in September 2021, Latitudo40 was declared as one of the Top 6 startups in the Earth Observation downstream segment in Europe and Canada by the European Space Agency in Global Space Markets Challenge.

The innovative AI company MyDataModels announces a game-changer for Google Analytics users TADA DM (Digital Marketing). The TADA Digital Marketing platform is a super AI-enabled Google Analytics platform powerful enough to find who will be your online buyers. Read the full press release here.

Nsoilab is selected as one of the most innovative companies in a competition conducted by Serbia’s National Alliance for Local Economic Development together with the Government of Serbia. NSoilab and 28 other companies were awarded shared grants in the amount of one million dollars.

OPT/NET has earned the top spot in the CoSta awards – which celebrates the most innovative and impactful corporate/startup interactions, and established a strategic collaborative partnership with the Unknown Group, to help bolster the continued commercial uptake of their suite of advanced AI solutions. Additionally, the team has presented their solutions at the Broadband World Forum and INTERGEO 2021 HYBRID HANNOVER. Lastly, OPT/NET joins the H2020 family by becoming part of the new H2020 CENTURION project consortium.

Oscillum BioTechnology announced that they were selected as one of the Top-10 startups participating in the Food Tech Challengers, and will pitch their solution at the upcoming Food Tech Congress!

Sensoria Analytics will present its product – CardioSensys – an application coupled with an oximeter, that uses the latest developments in artificial intelligence and biosignal processing,  at the upcoming Web Summit event in Lisbon.

Termodron has presented its solution at this year’s EIMA 2021 fair in Italy, and at the international conference Smart Villages in Brestanica, Slovenia.

Terroir from Space has been selected as the winner and top finisher within the Call for Ideas “Space-Innovation for Agrifood-Tech: dallo Spazio alla filiera” launched by Fondazione E. Amaldi.

Tune in to the STARTUP3 podcast mini-series with Top 5 and join in for the Brokerage Day in order to meet them and other STARTUP3 startups in person!

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Save the Date: STARTUP3 Brokerage Day

STARTUP3 Brokerage Day – SAVE THE DATE: November 29th!

In order to mark the closing of the STARTUP3 Project, a final event in the form of a Brokerage Day will be organised for the whole STARTUP3 community!

Organised in the heart of the French deep-tech ecosystem in Sophia Antipolis, the event aims to gather on 29th November those that have participated in the STARTUP3 project, either as an innovator/startup or Corporate Pool Member.

All of the participants will have the chance to attend the prize-giving ceremony, startup pitches, B2B meetings and social activities. The startups are invited to continue the journey on November 30th with an additional programme.

STARTUP3 proudly announces a special part of the event: the prize-giving ceremony dedicated to the Top 5, each excelling in its respective deep-tech domain including health, retail, space, robotics and agriculture. Chosen among 250 applicants and going through three phases of the acceleration programme during 1 year, the Top 5 startups have been trained in domains such as fundraising, business development, marketing and pitching. Additionally, they have been provided with technical support and matchmaking services via the STARTUP3 Hub.

Of course, all Top 25 accelerated startups are invited. Remember who they are HERE!

  • 13:30 – 14:00: Welcome
  • 14:00 – 16:00: Prize giving ceremony
  • 16:00 – 16:30: Coffee break
  • 16:30 – 18:00: B2B speed-datings
  •  & until 19:00: Startups’ exhibition
  • 19:00 – 21:00: Social Cocktail Buffet
  • 09:00 – 10:30: Coaching – Preparation to Investor Day (only Top 5)
  • 10:30 – 12:30: Visits of SCS Ecosystem
  • 13:00 – 14:30: Social lunch

* Kindly note: the second day of the event is open only for Startups

The event will be hosted by SCS Cluster in Sophia-Antipolis, France, a world-class technology hub gathering major innovation ecosystem players. (Event place TBC)


Registrations on the invitation. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to:

The appointment making for the B2B speed-dates will be open one week before the event, and the deadline is set for November 21st (23:59 CET).

  • Please note the COVID-19 certificate (Pass Sanitaire) is necessary to access the event place, and will be checked at the entrance. Masks must be worn in the event place.
  • The French COVID-19 certificate is compatible with the EU Digital Covid Certificates. Check here the national measures.
  • More information on travelling measures:
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Apply Now: Space Hubs Network 2nd Open Call

Calling all space entrepreneurs to apply to Space Hubs Network 2nd Open call!

From the 10th of September until the 10th of December, we are calling all space tech entrepreneurs, start-ups and scale-ups to apply to Space Hubs Network (SUN) second open call. The two-year EU-funded programme that helps companies scale their business and develop their technology in the space sector through different support programmes, had welcomed the first batch of startups and is looking for more teams to benefit from the services.

Tailored mentorship, matchmaking with investors, acceleration programmes or initiatives, support in enhancing financial sustainability are only a few of the services offered by the programme.

With more than 50 experienced mentors ready to share knowledge and help start-ups grow and leverage their solution or idea and a team of experienced professionals in the space sector, SUN aims to increase the commercialisation of space-enabled solutions and the growth of European entrepreneurs, start-ups and scale-ups, in space downstream and upstream sectors.

The programme will also host several webinars and hackathons about relevant topics in the space sector to promote and add value to the chosen start-ups and all interested individuals. All of the support given is free of charge to all attendees.

SUN is promoted by six organisations experienced in the space sector and start-ups industry community: Axsysnav, Brimatech Services, Civitta Romania, F6S, Science Park Graz and Startup Division.

Applications for the programme are open until the 10th December, 17:00 CET. More information can be found on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or

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Apply Now: IntellIoT Open Call

IntellIoT’s mission is to enable the execution of semi-autonomous IoT applications for AI-enabled systems. With its partners in three main sectors – agriculture, healthcare, and manufacturing – IntellIoT is building an ecosystem united by a shared vision committed to privacy, security and trust, in which the intelligence of humans and devices can seamlessly intertwine. The consortium’s projects aim to overcome limitations of traditional cloud-centric IoT such as unreliable connectivity, privacy concerns, or high round-trip times.

IntellIoT is a Pan-European Research and Innovation project supported by the European Commission with an EU funding of EUR 8 million. It fosters the development of humanised IoT and AI devices and systems.

It comprises a consortium of 13 partners spread across 9 countries. The initiative aims to facilitate a competitive ecosystem and to strengthen the European market in finding solutions applicable in healthcare, agriculture and manufacturing. Enabling technologies such as 5G, cybersecurity, distributed technology, Augmented Reality and tactile internet, the project champions end-user trust, adequate security and privacy by design.

In the upcoming 3 years, IntellIoT will also support SMEs and startups in Europe with funding and access to technology per pilot projects executed in collaboration with the IntellIoT consortia partners.

The Open Calls will be used to gain feedback from the participants on the developed framework and technologies as well as to explore different novel business models applied by the Open Call winners. In the case of Open Call 1, this feedback will be considered for the evolvement of the framework in its 2nd release. The Open Call 2 results will feed into the demonstration of the 2nd release of the IntellIoT framework and will aim to build a sustainable ecosystem beyond the project.

Applicants are invited to submit a short outline of their technology and business proposition, highlighting how they may integrate with the IntellIoT framework. The submissions will be evaluated by independent and external experts based on clearly outlined criteria, resulting in the selection of the four best companies per Open Call. The four selected companies each gain access to the IntellIoT project within a 6-month pilot to work with the IntellIoT partners on the framework and use cases. In addition, the selected organizations will receive up to 150,000 Euro for their efforts in accordance with the selection criterion on economic fairness and as necessary to achieve the objectives of the action.

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EIC Women Leadership Programme Launching Event: Acknowledging the Winds of Change

Is promoting the female role models and innovative business leaders of today – across the entrepreneurial spectrum – something that sparks your interest? You’ve come to the right place then.

To shed further light and reinforce the ongoing support on the uphill battle that has been the participation of women in the innovation, tech and business areas, the European Innovation Council (EIC) is launching a full-fledged impactful Women Leadership Programme (WLP). 50 women researchers and entrepreneurs were selected from a pool of over 200 applicants coming from various EIC funded projects (Accelerator, Pathfinder, and other Horizon 2020 legacy calls). Given this matter is becoming more important with each passing day, on the 7th  October 2021, the EIC Women Leadership Programme will be officially set in motion with a virtual event that will outline its services.

Changing the status quo has never been so important. Learn the answers to questions such as ‘Why is the EIC WLP so important’, ‘What is in it for you’, ‘What are its benefits’, ‘How to promote gender equality in the workplace’, among others, by following the launching event and meeting the programme’s participants and mentors. So, save the date: on the 7th  October 2021, from 16:00 to 18:00 (CEST, online), we’ll introduce you to the EIC Women Leadership Programme.

Apart from an overview of the programme and its services, this launching event will feature speeches and testimonials as well. You can expect the presence of high-level European Commission officials such as Mariya Gabriel (European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth) and Jean-David Malo (Director of EISMEA)Kinga Stanislawska (investor and entrepreneur, former member of the EIC Advisory Board and member of the EIC Fund Investment Committee) will also be with us to shed light on the challenges faced by females active in the world of research and innovation.

There will also be a roundtable discussion on ‘Female Leadership: where we are and where we need to go’ with contributions from EIC-funded companies and awarded female innovators, committed to challenging barriers and drive forward their innovations and business ideas.

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